1. What does it mean to be inducted into the S.C. Athletic Hall of Fame?
Being inducted into the South Carolina, athletic Hall of Fame is one of the highlights of my professional career. When you consider the many sports, athletic programs, coaches, and athletes in our great state, to be recognized in their company is truly amazing. I am honored for my family, for the University of South Carolina, The Citadel, and the sport of soccer.
2. Rank the top three priorities currently in your life.
My life today is enriched by all the friendships and relationships that my career has opened for me through the years. Coaching, however, is pretty much all consuming, and as I have stepped away, I have been able to focus on the most important thing in my life, which is my family.

Grandchildren Lily and Reid
3. Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of sports?
I enjoy spending time with my children, Erin and Luke, and their families and grandchildren Lily and Reid. I also enjoy fishing both offshore and on Lake Murray. And our family loves the beach.
4. Describe a favorite moment or achievement during your career?
Four moments stand out in my career. Our win at Clemson in the NCAA tournament on penalty kicks in ’85. We won some championships but our Conference USA Championship win at Memphis in 2010 was big. And our 500th win at UAB in 2017. All these accomplishments belong to our players – I was just fortunate to be their coach along the way. The most rewarding moment was the way so many players came back for our last match when I retired in 2021.
5. Is there a person, coach or teammate that you look up to and why?
I am most proud of my family. I am grateful for the support of my mother and father growing up, my brothers, especially Steve, who it has been my North star throughout my career with his guidance and insight. I think it is critical that every coach has a mentor, and that is my brother Steve. Family is everything. Eventually everyone figures this out. I am very proud of my children, Erin and Luke, and the people they have become. My wife Shauna is the co-winner of this award. She has been with me every step of the way through 41 years of marriage both to me and the roller coaster of life which is coaching. You can’t do this alone.
6. Is there anything else you'd like for fans to know about yourself?
I want to thank the people of our state, the soccer community, the University of South Carolina, and The Citadel for their support. Eddie Teague, (The Citadel) gave me my start in coaching, and Jim Carlen believed in me and brought me here to USC. A lot of dedicated people came before me and labored to build the sport in our state. I was lucky - I was here at the right time in the right place to play my part. For that I am grateful. Thank you for this honor.
The South Carolina Athletic Hall of Fame’s Induction Banquet honoring the class of 2023 is set for Monday, May 15th at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center.
The SCAHOF Banquet is the largest annual celebration of Palmetto State sports stars under one roof. The traditional introduction of past inductees, the “Walk of Legends”, is one of the event’s highlights. The affair, which includes a reception and dinner, begins at 5:30 p.m. Table sponsorships may be purchased online at